Dried Minerals and Packaging
A history of innovation and service in shipping mineral products nationwide
We’re a leader in dried mineral applications because we never stop thinking about what’s next. Our high-quality dolomitic limestone deposits have unique properties that make them ideal for many uses – and we’re always looking for more.
We know that maintaining our role as a minerals industry leader hinges on our commitment to innovation, technical support and customer service. Our laboratory and manufacturing facilities are state-of-the-art, allowing us to partner with our customers as they explore emerging markets and look for solutions from our mineral products. National offers bulk truck, covered hopper rail loading, and internally packaged products in 50 lb. bags or ‘super sacks” for shipping to customers nationwide and beyond.
Glass Markets
National is the largest supplier of glass batch dolomite in the United States.
We have an impressive history of developing applications for stone-based industrial minerals. National pioneered the development of dolomite stone products used in glass making, and we are now the largest supplier of glass batch dolomite in the United States.

Agricultural Markets
We offer agricultural mineral products that no one else can.
At National, we developed and marketed a proprietary line of mineral products used for agriculture, horticulture, golf courses, residential lawns and gardens, and other commercial applications. We also supply agricultural lime and limestone that can control soil acidity, provide essential calcium and magnesium to promote favorable plant activity, and help increase commercial farm product yields. We offer packaged mineral products under our ECOpHRST™ brand that ship all across North America.

Granular Carriers Market – NatGran*
Our proprietary pelletized limestone products are favored by formulators.
National’s NatGran water-dispersible, lightweight pelletized limestone products are carriers for numerous pesticide products developed for both the consumer and professional applicator markets. Our 20+ years’ experience manufacturing NatGran makes us the “go to” source not only for consistent quality and “on time” delivery, but also for collaboration on product development opportunities.
* The NatGran trademark is Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Specialty Markets
You name it, we can do it.
We also furnish premium-quality dried dolomitic limestone for the production of steel, asphalt roofing, automotive components, fertilizers, cement replacement, pesticides, cat litter, and soil amendments to name just a few.

Concrete Markets – NatCrete*
Our cement replacement innovation is stable and locally available.
National’s NatCrete is specifically designed to enhance the properties of concrete and masonry block. NatCrete can be used as a replacement for cement or slag. It is recognized by ACI, ASTM, ODOT, OAIMA and Ohio Concrete. NatCrete is lighter in color than Portland cement, slag and fly ash, resulting in more desirable color of exterior concrete. Also, it’s locally mined and processed, offering potential LEED credits for projects.
* The NatCrete trademark is Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Animal Feed Markets – NatFeed*
The premier, organic magnesium buffer and nutrient source.

Our NatMag99* is a high purity magnesium and calcium livestock ingredient (99% pure MgCO3 + CaCO3) designed to provide optimum bioavailability. NatMag99 was developed with a very specific particle size distribution to enhance ruminal pH and maintain a homogenous blend when used in mineral or buffer packs. NatMag99 has been farm-tested and proven to reduce ration costs by partially replacing sodium bicarbonate and completely replacing magnesium oxide in a given diet.
*The NatFeed and NatMag99 trademarks are Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.